Lambeth's Urban Village
Year 3 Semester 2
This project ‘Lambeth’s Urban Village' is located on Carlisle Lane, London. It imagines a dynamic overarching roof which houses activities underneath. This includes diverse yet connected primary school teaching spaces as well as a community gardening centre. The proposal considers the 15 minute concept developed in Paris with the idea that all necessities are available within a short walk or cycle. Thus the primary school project is designed as a city.
The key reading that has informed my design proposal is ‘The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs. This informed the idea of the school as a city with flexible teaching spaces that can adapt to the users.
The school will be a single-form entry primary school designed to embrace community use. The school accommodates 210 primary children, plus 26 places in a nursery (one learning space), in addition to an assembly hall and all ancillary, kitchen and office spaces. Part of the project is dedicated to the local community including parent/carers of the children. The kiosk offers them a space to relax and can also act as a garden club for the growing spaces of raised beds, hydroponic farm and the roof garden.
Eco School
Year 3 Semester 1
This project is grounded in readings from children’s literature and alternative learning theories. This project takes inspiration from a children’s novel called Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver. It is a story about a boy who lives on a small Island called Lummerland. The island has just enough space for a small palace, a train station, a store which sells ice cream and bagels. When reading this literature it reminded me of the 15 minute city concept where people can meet most of their needs within a short walk or cycle. Thus, it stimulated the idea for an ice cream kiosk that would sit next a pathway which leads towards the west side of the site- Kennington Park / station or the Henry Moore sculpture/shopping precinct towards the East side of the site.
It is also important to consider the architecture as a third teacher so that it becomes a physical learning experience for the users. My project has an overarching roof structure which shelters the community teaching space. The water is collected from the roof and pours down the water channel and into pond. This offers the children a sensory and auditory experience. They can also learn from growing their own plants in raised beds or the greenhouses.
The site is located at the existing car park space for Brandon Estate adjoining Kennington Park in Kennington. Nearby on Camberwell New Road, is St John’s Primary School.
Lea Marshes Urban Farming
Year 2 Semester 2
The brief for the proposal was to identify options for a development at the Thames Water Depot site that will bring this site into a Park-compatible use.
The proposed programme was inspired from the history of the Lammas land and is now currently known as the Lea Marshes. The building structure is on stilts to combat potential flooding.
-Introduce 3 types of farming, organic, greenhouse and hydroponic farming.
-Farmer’s market to allow community to produce healthy dishes from the crops grown
-Community centre
-Community allotment
-Gardening workshop
-Existing engine house is transformed into a compost hub
Digital Fabrication Workshop
Year 1 Semester 1
This intense 2 week workshop was a major learning experience in both Rhinocerous 3D software and using the laser cutting machines to create a model based on the chosen architecture- Willis Faber and Dumas by Norman Foster.